Contact us

Ulster University (Project coordinator)

Dr  Síle Brennan
P: +44(0)289536 5191

Prof Vladimir Molkov
P: +44(0)2890368731

Dr Dmitriy Makarov
P: +44(0)2890368750

For any questions related to the development maintenance and support of the e-Laboratory of Hydrogen Safety

Dr Volodymyr Shentsov
P: +44(0)2890366368

Stakeholders Advisory Board

What is it? 

The SAB has been formed to help guide the project consortium deliver on its objectives. Acknowledging that responder organisations and training structure are very diverse across countries, the project consortium felt the need to expand the SAB to achieve better representation of the sector. Its members are composed of experts in hydrogen safety from Europe, the US and Japan, representatives and associations from Fuel Cell & Hydrogen industry and experienced practitioners from Fire and Rescue Services. 

Why join? 

Being part of the SAB network will allow your organisation to: 

1. Guide the course of materials to be developed within the deliverables of the project and 

2. Benefit from first-hand knowledge on hydrogen-related incident safety practices. 

Joining the SAB, what is expected from you? 

The required level of commitment of a SAB member entails, essentially the participation in SAB meetings, if possible, either face-to-face (once a year) or remotely (on a bi-monthly or quarterly basis). 

During or around these meetings, we would expect contributions through valuable input information and feedback on the course of the project and its deliverables. Additional support in disseminating and communicating around the project would be appreciated. 

If you believe being part of the SAB would be of interest to your organisation, please do not hesitate to reach out to us! We would be keen to discuss or answer any questions you may have regarding joining our network of experts. Contact: Valentina Ruiz 

This project has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (now Clean Hydrogen Partnership) under Grant Agreement No 875089. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program, Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research.